Quashon Huskey's profile

Scanned profile


Hello, my name is Quashon Huskey.

I am a 26-year-old African-American male from Paterson, New Jersey. I am looking for a female who's willing to offer a lonely person a little of her spare time. Ethnicity doesn't matter, neither does age, but it is best for both of us if you are 18 years old and up.

I am currently incarcerated in North Carolina.

I am a humble, down-to-earth, easygoing person. Intelligent, well-versed in all topics of discussion. Mild-mannered, caring, generous, and loyal to a fault. I strove to be a better person every day. Not only for myself, but for the people around me.

I'm looking for a female who's sure of herself, who knows what she wants, doesn't play games, and is on top of her game. One that is honest with herself and doesn't sell herself short in any are. One who loves herself and her family unconditionally. Most importantly, I would like to share time with a beautiful woman who's willing to allow herself to see past my prison number, my prison confinement, and ultimately, these prison walls, to see the person who is writing these words to you and the world. TO be befriended is one of life's greatest joys and all I can ask is for time and a little conversation.

Feel free to write to me anytime to find out more about me at this address:
Quashon Huskey #0872341
633 Old Landfill Rd.
Taylorsville, NC 28681

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