Sean Rowell 's profile

Scanned profile


Beautiful Distraction

I smell your scent as it precedes you, the aroma of which has been carried up through my nostrils on the breeze of sure intent. It is enough of your sweet nectar to call into focus my undivided attention, demanding all of my presence when in your presence.

Alas! You have arrived acknowledging me through the written word, which is being conveyed on modified word. Addressing your desire to become friends, as we travel through the intimate affairs of past pain and present reflection in order to offer each other a canvas of unlimited potential.

As the vision continues to materialize, we find that our resolve to safeguard the values we hold dear have been respected, which ignites the heart's appreciation and factual fondness for each other; creating a space conducive to exposing our most valuable selves.

I awoke to find the lingering effects from the gentle invasion of my senses, profound enough to know the beautiful distraction is to become a permanent future...

I await!

Name: Sean Rowell 255649
Race: Puerto-Rican-African-American
Ht: 6' 1/2"
Wt: 270 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Parole: 2022
Address: Stanley Corr. Inst.
100 Corrections Dr.
Stanley, WI 54768

[Colored photo of the author. He is standing respectfully straight and has a neutral expression on his face.]


Hey love,

I know I have been MIA but I think about you often. I hope you are okay, I want to come see u but u are further away than I thought. Im glad you are out of MSDF, I dont know how often u get online but I hope u get this soon. Once I get a response from u we can talk more. I dont want to fill the page with stuff that u may never read. Im fine, the recession hit me kinda hard so I live with my little sister. Im not driving or working right now but hopefully things will change. I hope u get this.

I have never stopped loving you and I dont think I ever will!!